Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Dealing with Anger?

Do not PRESS.. ohw.. you pressed it AGAIN..  the brain can't think straight.
All they think of is revenge and want to make things right no matter what. Science proven it.
You will get too emotional and start to make a mess out of yourself. And if you explode into rage, as far as i experienced, they do not make things any better.
Most of the time, you will regret it and start apologizing after raging, no?

Anger will turned me into a giant hulk. I'm actually letting them get the anger out of me, snatched away 10 years of my life.
But as time goes by, rational comes in and you started thinking: is he or she even worth the fight? What if I do not...? What if I just..?

Anger is a killing tool. But anger can be power too.

You just have to know how to control. And you are able to turn it into a motivation force to make the world go round, make the haters hate you and people love you. Fight back the-gentlemen way.
Take those precious time to plan a better future and solving problems of your own. And make sure they clap for you one day. Remember, those that make you angry control you. Why would you wanna let them control you? Sometimes, you do not have to deal with every argument they create. Dance your anger to change their judgement from 100% to ZERO.

Anyway, always remind yourself, think before you act. You can express your anger, but... SAFELY.

I'll learn from my mistake, and so will you.
Be the calm.

Never go to bed mad. Stay up and Fight - by Phyllis Diller, Phyllis Diller's Housekeeping Hints, 1966

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