Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Gamelan the Modern way

Music is unexpected.

Obviously, you can make any kind of music from keyboard, guitar, drums and all other modern instruments. But when you arranged a MODERN SONG on TRADITIONAL INSTRUMENTS, that was odd. But it kick butt.

Amazingly, I didn't know it can be played on Gamelan ensemble as well. 
The Gamelan instruments are play by hammering on the instruments, which gamelan also means "hammer".

My musical best friend, Eunice, arranged the songs and me added beat to it.

And well, it turned out something unusual, or i would say, different.
Just ONE modern instrument use, which is the tambourine,then the rest of the instruments are totally history, almost all instruments played the melody with only pentatonic scales( all gamelan instruments only consist of pentatonic bars to hit), gongs playing the "chord" to harmonise with the melody,using unit kolotomik and of course, the beat by gendang, to spice up the song.
There is a bit of a rush but we nailed it without any weird sound coming out from nowhere. And here it is, a song from One direction.

I had great time practicing, arguing and performing with my guys from the start of March to the end of March 2014. One piece of a great memory in my college year.